Windham Rail Trail Alliance



Trail Background

During 2003, the State of New Hampshire formed a Citizens Advisory Committee to involve the communities and regional planning agencies in the Salem to Concord Bikeway Feasibility Study process. Comprised of state agencies, consultants and citizens, the purpose of the committee was to study three options of developing a Bicycle and Pedestrian path along the Route 93 corridor.  This path would provide an alternative mode of transportation, diverse recreational opportunities and increased commerce to the communities along the trail.

The recommended approach was to develop such a path using the abandoned Manchester and Lawrence, Concord to Portsmouth rail beds, and segments of the New Hampshire Heritage Trail, as the foundation for the trail. The consensus for surface choice was paved, as it was determined that a paved path would best serve anticipated users (bicyclists, pedestrians including walkers, runners) and because of the nature of a smooth surface, would allow easier use for strollers, wheelchairs, and elderly. Additionally a non-paved path has proven to require more frequent maintenance.  With adequate shoulders, a non-paved area along the path would serve for those who would benefit from that availability such as equestrian users and joggers.  For the detailed results of the feasibility study, please read the “Salem to Concord Bikeway Feasibility Study” available through the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.



The Granite State Rail Trail/ 

Rockingham Trail - Windham

This 4.1 Mile section starts from the intersection of Routes 111 and 28 in Salem continuing to a point on North Lowell Road, Windham. The Windham Depot serves as the base for parking. To the north the trail connects to the Derry Rail Trail which provides for 4 miles of  a continuous paved trail and combines for 8 miles of the longest paved abandoned rail corridor in the state.

The Manchester and Lawrence Branch was constructed in 1847 to 1849 when the industrial revolution expanded to cities north of Boston. The first train ran the entire length in November 1849.  A 3-mile section in Windham proved the most expensive to build because of extensive cutting through ledge and filling of lowlands.

The last train ran in the early 70’s with abandonment occurring shortly after. The rails were removed for salvage in the early 1980’s.

This section of rail-bed was used as a multi-purpose trail for about the past 18 years managed by NH Department of Resources and Economic Development. As of September 3, 2003 legislation was passed which prohibits OHRV use as well Federal regulations restrict OHRV use on trails purchased by Transportation Enhancement Grants. The parking lot in Windham is open from 1/2 hour  before to 1/2 hour after sunset.

This is a scenic stretch of trail which passes though beautiful shaded ledges, two pond marshes and predominately wooded and shaded. There are 3 bridges that the trail crosses. The only road crossings are at Windham Depot and Roulston Rd. There is also an historic New Hampshire granite archway built in 1849 that provides a unique architectural significance. A lengthy ledge cut provides a cool section of passing on hot days, and in the winter forms beautiful ice flow "sculptures." The trail passes several stonewalls and a cellar hole from an 1800 sawmill.

Wildlife is abundant along this stretch, as deer, upland animals and birds, owls, turtles and fisher cats have been observed. Heron and beavers have established themselves in the wetland habitat along the trail; various species of duck, and geese nest as well.

The Windham Depot buildings and surrounding town property has been designated a historic district by the Town of Windham in 2003.  The Depot building and freight storage building remain intact, and were rehabilitated through a Transportation Enhancement grant in 2010. With the infamous C-16 caboose and restored parking area the Depot site brings a unique trail experience to our users.


Our Mission

From our Articles of Incorporation:


The purpose of this corporation is to raise funds through charitable means that will allow it to provide on-going stewardship, preservation, and the promotion and education of the 4.1 historical miles of the Rockingham Multiuse Trail from Route 111A in Windham, New Hampshire to a point on North Lowell Road in the same town, as it is managed as a paved Rail to Trail bike path within the meaning of Section  of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding sections of any federal future tax code.

Through its activities the corporation will provide to the public a premier non-motorized recreational and educational experience by use of the paved trail and rehabilitation of the historical buildings located at the Windham Depot.  


Copyright © 2015 Windham Rail Trail Alliance